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Lightglass Optics - Product Index
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5" Ultradex Rotary Table Model A
71-1111 K&E Optical Micrometer w/ Vernier Scale
71-1112 Coordinate Optical Micrometer
71-2022 Alignment Telescope by K&E w/ 71-2240 90 degree eyepiece- Calibrated
71-2022 Autocollimating Alignment Telescope by Cubic Precision -Calibrated
71-2022 Autocollimating Alignment Telescope by K&E with Calibration Certificate
71-2024 Metric Autocollimating Alignment Telescope by K&E with Calibration Certificate
71-2030 Bright Line Alignment Telescope by Cubic Precision or K&E-Calibrated
71-2062 Refurbished Line of Sight Telescope
71-2062 with 71-1241 Auto-Collimating Right-Angle Eyepiece
71-2230 Right Angle Eyepiece
71-2240 90-degree Autocollimating Eyepiece for 2022
71-2302 Angle Reading Attachment for 2022, 2030
71-2410 Optical Square with Calibration
71-2412 Double Sphere Optical Square- Calibrated
71-2430 Planing Prism
71-2656 Calibration Plate
71-3205 Cross Level for Alignment Telescope
71-3215 Striding Level (Tubular Type)
71-3220 K&E Coincidence Striding Level
71-3230 Coincidence Striding Level
71-3270 K&E Scale Level
71-4010 Alignment Collimator by K&E
71-4030 K&E Straightness of Line of Sight Collimator- Calibrated
71-5060 Precision Vertical Lift
71-5085 K&E Precision Aluminum Mechanical Lateral Adjuster
71-5085 K&E Precision Mechanical Lateral Adjuster
71-5100 Spherical Adapter with Collet
71-5101 Target Stop Ring
71-5103 Optical Sphere Adapter- Alignment Telescope Mount
71-5142 Optical Sphere Mounting Cage
71-5150 Universal Alignment Telescope Bracket
71-5170 Alignment Telescope Bracket
71-6050 Alignment Bar Scale for Optical Square
71-6056 Metric Alignment Bar Scale
71-6065 Magnetic Scale Holder by K&E or Cubic Precision
71-6110 Glass Alignment Target
71-6120 K&E Chrome on Glass Alignment Target
71-6125 C-Thru Glass Alignment Target- 1.4990" Diameter
71-6130 K&E Aluminum Alignment Target
71-6165 Adhesive Alignment Target
71-6166 K&E Adhesive Alignment Target
71-6204 4 inch Magnet Back Mirror
71-6250 Mirror Target
71-6410 Adjustable Target Set For Large Bores
71-6420 Indicator Holder for 71-6410
71-6450 Adjustable Target Set for Small Bores
71-7101 Diopter Tester - Calibrated
71-IRD-2041 Alignment Telescope
AAA Lightglass Optics Improved 4-Cone Mount for Alignment Telescopes
Brunson 185 Magnetic Chrome Carbide Mirror
Brunson 187-S Stride Level
Brunson 190 Optical Micrometer
Brunson 192 Auto-Collimation Eyepiece Unit
Brunson 194-TM Coincidence Level
Brunson 196-1 Combination Projection, Auto-Collimation, Rt-Angle Eyepiece
Brunson 198-1 Trivet
Brunson 271 Tilt Collimator
Brunson 381-1 Alignment Telescope w/Cal
Brunson 388 Tilt Mounting Base- Mini
Brunson 545-190 Precision Sight Level with Calibration
Brunson 564-5 Optical Tooling Scale
Brunson 707-090 Paired-Line Optical Target with .090" Spacing
Brunson 76RH-190 Telescopic Transit Square- Calibrated
Brunson 81 Line-of-Sight Autocollimating Alignment Telescope- Calibrated!
Brunson 81-1 Autocollimating Alignment Telescope
Brunson 82 Autocollimating Alignment Telescope
Brunson 88 Tilt Mounting Base
Brunson 89 Alignment Telescope Rotating Mounting Base
C47280 K&E Line of Sight Telescope with Calibration
Calibration- Brunson 185 Chrome Carbide Mirror
Calibration TB103-1
Calibrations-2020, 2021, 2022, 83, etc
Calibrations-71-2410 Optical Square
Calibrations-TB107, TB108
Charles Supper 2186 2-axis Precision Micropositioner
Contrast Optical DNO-2 Precison Optical Mount
Cubic Precision 71-6010 / 564-10 Optical Tooling Scale
Cubic Precision 71-6040 / 564-40 Optical Tooling Scale
Davidson Optronics D 523-103 Porro Prism Bench Mark
Davidson Optronics D212 Adjustable Instrument Stand
Davidson Optronics D-271 Compact Autocollimating Alignment Telescope
Davidson Optronics D-275 Autocollimating Alignment Telescope- Calibrated
Davidson Optronics D-277 Adjustable Stand
Davidson Optronics D-602-101 Manual Autocollimator
Davidson Optronics D-611-103 3-Angle Prisms
Davidson Optronics D-614-101 Penta Prism
Davidson Optronics D614-104 Master Penta Prism
Davidson Optronics D-614-105 Master Penta Prism
Davidson Optronics D-615 Adjustable Reference Mirror
Davidson Optronics D-616 Adjustable Reference Mirror
Davidson Optronics D-623-104 Calibration Wedges, 20.0" deviation
Davidson Optronics D-625-101 Adjustable Porro Prism
Davidson Optronics D-633-12 +/- 1-Arc Second Optical Polygon
Davidson Optronics D-639 Trihedral Prism
Davidson Optronics D-656 2-Axis Autocollimator
Davidson Optronics D-691 Laser Alignment Autocollimator
Ealing 15X Reflecting Objective 25-0506-000
Hilger Watts 142/43 Type TB100 Microptic Clinometer
Hilger Watts A142/33 45 Degree Optical Polygon
Hilger Watts TB 95-3 Microptic Precision Clinometer
Hilger Watts TB105 Compact Bubble Clinometer
Hilger Watts TB107 Pendulum Clinometer- Calibrated
Hilger Watts TB108 Pendulum Clinometer
Hilger Watts TB4 8" Block Level with Micrometer Tilt Adjustment
Hilger Watts TB5-2 Precision Box Level
Hilger Watts TB9029 Adjustable Optical Coincidence Level
K&E/Cubic Precision 71-6020 / 564-20 Optical Tooling Scale
Labsphere LPMS-060-S-SDTP
Leica Ergo Binocular Head p/n 10445822
Leica MZ6 Stereomicroscope on a Lab Stand
Leica MZ6 Stereomicroscope w/Focusing Arm
Leica MZ8 Stereomicroscope on Leica Table Stand
Leica/Wild M3Z Stereo Microscope
Leica/Wild MZ Focuser
LIghtglass 3-1/2"-8 adapter for QuickSet Hercules
Lightglo-BR Variable Intensity LED illuminator for Brunson
Line Tool Co. A-RHFF 3-Axis Linear Translation Stage
Line Tool Co. B-RH 2-Axis Linear Translation Stage
Line Tool Co. C X/Z Linear Translation Stage
Line Tool Co. C-SP X-Z Linear Translation Stage
Line Tool Co. D-FF Linear Translation Stage
Line Tool Co. E Linear Translation Stage
Line Tool Co. I-RH 2-Axis Linear Translation Stage
Line Tool Co. M Linear Translation Stage
Line Tool Co. Model 109 Compact Rotary Stage
Line Tool Lens Holder
Mitutoyo M Plan APO 1X Objective
Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 2X Objective
Mitutoyo M Plan Apo NUV 100X Objective
Mitutoyo M Plan Apo NUV 20X Objective
Mitutoyo M Plan Apo NUV 50X Objective
Mitutoyo M Plan APO SL20X Objective
Mitutoyo M Plan Apo SL50X Objective
Moore 1440 Precision Index
New Optics Handling Nylon Gloves
Newport 05D20DM.8 Dielectric Flat Window
Newport 100 Magnetic Base
Newport 10D510AL.2 Valumax Mirror
Newport 10GT04AR.18 Glan-Thompson Polarizer
Newport 10RP02-24 Zero-Order Waveplate
Newport 10RP02-26 Zero-Order Quartz Waveplate
Newport 10RP04-24 Zero-Order Waveplate
Newport 110 Kinematic Magnetic Base
Newport 150 Magnetic Base
Newport 200 Low-Profile, Heavy Duty Magnetic Base
Newport 270 High-Load Lab Jack
Newport 2935-C Dual-Channel Optical Power Meter
Newport 30 Rotary Adapter
Newport 300 Rod Platform
Newport 34 Rotatable Platform
Newport 340 Rod Clamp
Newport 340-C Rod Clamp
Newport 340-RC Rod Clamp
Newport 36 Tilt/Rotation Base
Newport 360-30 Angle Bracket
Newport 37 Tilt and Rotation Platform
Newport 370 Rod Clamp for Newport Rods with Rack
Newport 375 Rod Clamp
Newport 38 Mounting Platform
Newport 384 Elevating Post- Z axis
Newport 385 Telescoping Rod Mount
Newport 40 Mounting Rod
Newport 406 High-Performance Two-Axis Linear Stage
Newport 411B Vertical Mounting Bracket
Newport 416B Vertical Translation Stage
Newport 422-1S Miniature Ball Bearing Linear Stage
Newport 423 High-Performance, Low Profile Linear Stage
Newport 426 High Performance Low-Profile Linear Stage
Newport 45 Damped Rod
Newport 460A-X High-Performance Linear Ball-Bearing Linear Stage
Newport 460A-XY High-Performance Integrated Ball-Bearing Linear Stage
Newport 460A-Z High-Performance Integrated Ball Bearing Linear Stage
Newport 460P-BA Slotted Base Plate
Newport 460PD-X Modular Dovetail Linear Stage
Newport 460P-X High-Performance Modular Ball Bearing Linear Stage
Newport 461-X-M ULTRAlign Linear Translation Stage
Newport 461-XZ-M ULTRAlign Precision Integrated Crossed-Roller Bearing Linear Stage
Newport 462-XYZ-M ULTRAlign Linear Stage w/HR-1 Micrometers
Newport 462-XYZ-M ULTRAlign Precision Crossed-Roller Bearing Linear Stage
Newport 462-XYZ-SD ULTRAlign Precision Linear Stage with Side Drive
Newport 462-XYZ-SD-LH ULTRAlign Precision Linear Stage with Side Drive
Newport 471-I Rotation Stage Insert
Newport 481-A Precision Rotation Stage
Newport 481-A-S Precision Rotation Stage w/ AJS actuator
Newport 485 Prism Table
Newport 496A Motorized Rotation Stage w/6
Newport 561D-XYZ ULTRAlign Stage
Newport 561D-XYZ ULTRAlign with 561-Tilt Stage installed
Newport 561D-XYZ-LH ULTRAlign Precision Multi-Axis Positioning System
Newport 561D-YZ ULTRAlign Precision Multi-Axis Positioning System
Newport 561-FCA (Holder Only)
Newport 561-FCA6 ST Fiber Holder
Newport 561-FH Bare Fiber Holder for single fibers
Newport 561-GB Goniometer Mounting Bracket
Newport 561-GBM Blank, Grin Lens Mount
Newport 561-GON ULTRAlign Goniometric Mount
Newport 561-GR GRIN Lens Mount
Newport 561-OBJ Objective Lens Mount
Newport 561-OBM Blank, Objective Lens Mount
Newport 561-TS, 561 Fixed Platform, Narrow Profile T-Stand
Newport 561-UM Universal module
Newport 561-UST Fixed Platforn, Universal T-Stand
Newport 561-VH Vacuum Waveguide Mount
Newport 561-YZ ULTRAlign Precision Multi-Axis Positioning System
Newport 562F-TILT ULTRAlign Tilt/Rotation Stage
Newport 600A-2 Kinematic Optical Mount
Newport 600A-3 Precision Kinematic Optical Mount
Newport 600A-4 Kinematic Optical Mount
Newport 70 Mounting Rod with Rack
Newport 700P Temp-Control Laser Diode Mount
Newport 71 Rod w/Rack
Newport 740 Dual Rod Mount System
Newport 744-TEC Cooled Laser Diode Mount
Newport 75 Damped Rod with Rack
Newport 810 Laser Mount
Newport 811 Laser Mount
Newport 812 Laser Mount
Newport 813 Cylindrical Laser Mount
Newport 818-BB-31 Battery-Biased Photodetector
Newport 818-IR Low-Power Infrared Detector 780-1800nm
Newport 818-IR Low-Power Infrared Detector 780-1800nm w/CAL
Newport 830 Iris Shutter
Newport 850G-HS High Speed Long-Travel Motorized Actuator
Newport 877 Avalanche Photodiode Supply
Newport 883-IR Mounted Infrared Filter Assembly
Newport 900 3-Axis Spatial Filter
Newport 900PH-5 5 Micron Aperture Pinhole
Newport 900PH-50 50 Micron Aperture Pinhole
Newport 910PH-25 25 Micron Aperture Pinhole
Newport 910PH-5 5 Micron Aperture Pinhole
Newport 940 Neutral Density Filter Mount
Newport 960A Rod Mounted Neutral Density Filter Mount
Newport A-2-1 Optical Adapter
Newport AC-1 Adjustable Lens Chuck
Newport AC-2 Adjustable Radius Lens Chuck
Newport AC-3 Adjustable Lens Mount
Newport AD-30 Ultra-Resolution Electrostrictive Actuator
Newport ALM-2 Precision Adjustable Lens Mount
Newport ALM-4 Precision Adjustable Lens Mount
Newport B-1A Adapter Plate
Newport B-2A Mounting Base
Newport BA-2 Mounting Base Platform
Newport BGM50CC 50mm Goniometric Cradle
Newport BGM50PP Goniometric Cradle
Newport BGM80PP Goniometric Cradle
Newport BP-2 Base Plate
Newport BP-3 Base Plate
Newport BP-4 Base Plate
Newport BP-5 Base Plate
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