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Alignment Telescopes / Optical Tooling
> Hilger Watts 142/43 Type TB100 Microptic Clinometer
Lightglass Optics is where you can find the largest selection of Newport, Line Tool Company, OptoSigma, Thorlabs and other manufacturers of fine optomechanical equipment. By selling pre-owned equipment, Lightglass Optics can fill your Optical Research equipment needs at a substantial discount- saving those precious budget dollars. In addition, we have more Alignment Telescopes on our shelves than anybody else..anywhere!- currently over 100 - made by Keuffel and Esser (K&E), Brunson, Cubic Precision, Davidson Optronics, Engis, Taylor-Hobson and others. We also have supporting Optical Tooling to go with them. Just click on any line item to go to the page for that item.
Taylor Hobson 142/43 Type TB100 Microptic Clinometer
Hilger Watts 142/43 Type TB100 Microptic Clinometer
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The Hilger Watts 142/43 Type TB100 Microptic Clinometer is a precision inclinometer, utilizing a bubble level co-mounted on a shaft to an internal circular glass scale. When the bubble is exactly centered, the operator locks the circle and reads the angle through the eyepiece. Inside the eyepiece are 2 windows- the Main Scale which reads out in degrees with vernier markings every 10 minutes, and a Micrometer Scale, which has vernier markings every 10 seconds. With interpolation, the operator can easily estimate angular measurement to 5 seconds. This is in excellent condition and comes in its factory wooden case. This will be in hammer finish grey paint, not ivory. New price was $16,000+ on these from Taylor Hobson before being discontinued.
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